Tuesday, February 24, 2009

farewell...........for now!

To anyone who might be interested in this blog, check up on the status of their grandchildren, or like to stalk us (Ashley), I would like to bid you all farewell. I won't be updating my blog or blogging myself during the lent season! I'm giving up blogging, unneccessary web surfing, and stalking my hubbies facebook, so I can focus my energy and "free" time on more important things. I hope to draw closer to God during this time. Spend some meaningful time in His word and in conversation with Him in prayer. I hope to accomplish the seven prayers a day for a week with each of my kiddos. Also, I hope I realize how much precious time I'm wasting that could be given to Jessica, Gracie, Grant, Kirk, and above all my Father! So much of this "good stuff" has been missing from my life, or at least has been short changed because my priorities aren't where they should be! So for now ..... farewell!

(i will still check my email....i couldn't miss boomama's recap after next weeks episode of the bachelor!)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Grant is 4 months old!!!

I can hardly believe it. My little baby is 4 months old. All I can think of is the song by Kenny Chesney, "Don't Blink." I swear he was just kicking like crazy inside of me (knowing HE was my future football star...and you all did not...hee hee hee.) Well, the new stats are back and he only weighs 17lbs. 13 ounces. The first nurse was a little off! He is in the 95% for his height and weight...you go buddy! This is a good thing, he'll be totally capable of scaring off any potential dates of Jessi and Gracie!

Grant you light up my days with your sweet smile. You love to be held and talked to. You have discovered your voice and are intrigued to use it! You often squeal with delight when I'm talking to you. Your rolls are so squeezable. Your cheeks so kissable. Your sisters adore you and your daddy is so proud of you! You have completed our family in so many ways. I thank God for giving us you, such a special blessing and privilege to raise and watch grow. Love you little buddy, buddy! xoxo, mommy

Sunday, February 15, 2009

just another sick day......

Don't us ladies just look lovely?! Mom is playing nurse again today. Jessi has fever and wants her mamma to hold her all day....I'm loving it! I know I look tired as I should. Want the run down of my night? Too bad I'm still telling you! Went to bed at 10:30 (earliest in a long time) of course could not fall asleep, finally about 11:29 I'm cashed. 11:31 wake up to the dog, yes, Duke barking and crying to come inside at the basement slider. Already grumpy and I only have gotten up once. 12:30 Grant is up and won't stop crying...guess I'll give in and feed him.
1:30 Jessi is trying to crawl in bed next to me, bring her back to her own bed and realize she is burning up with a fever! 1:45 Jessi up going to the bathroom and of course no toilet paper....you have got to be kidding me! Back to bed. Get about 3 1/2 hours of good sleep and Grant is up again at 5:00....give in again and feed him (so spoiled, but he does have double ear infection), Girls wake up at ???? don't remember other than pushing Kirk out of bed with my feet and telling him to go deal with it! I SLEEP!!!!

Gracie was in to the urgent care yesterday. Had to hold her down and wipe her tears away as she had to do breathing treatment. She is not a fan. Then off to do chest x-ray, which she was an angel for. We told her she was the princess and got to sit on the throne. Mommy and Gracie played dress up a.k.a. radiation vest! The things we do and say to convince our little ones! Guess it's Broncithis???

So after being to the doctor 4 times in the past two weeks, two kids with ear infections, Gracie to urgent care, why not start all over with something new.....Jessi gets fever bug....who wants to be next? Heck, I have my own pharmacy on the counter!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Night Out!!!!

Praise the lord for AWESOME parents willing to takes the kids!

I have no idea what we will do tonight, it's been so long since Kirk and I have had a real date night. It's usually out for Bible study (thats not a bad thing), but it's a real treat to be able to actually talk with JUST the 2 of us and act like we are 17 again...oh the days!

If we were 17, we would be listening to K-Ci & JoJo, "All My Life," eating at The Stable, driving big black (when she looked good, and the bass pounded), and then renting a movie, watching it @ Belds, and me driving myself home in the middle of the night because Kirk has fallen asleep...some things don't change!

I am so excited and giddy right now, I can hardly stand it!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Okay, so I started my training today for the 5/3 River Bank Run! Shut your jaw......I'm only doing the 5K! With that being said; I already want to quit. I stink at running and after baby number 3 well I think it's about impossible to get this old body back into shape.

When I told my sister I was going to start training for the 5K, she asked do you really need to train?! I laughed! Of course it is me , Courtney...need I say more? So today as I started off on this horrendous adventure I decided that my sisters comment wasn't only funny, but hilarious!

I think I made it about 1/2 mile, then walked 1/4 mile, and finished running the last 1/4 mile; all the while (foolishly) trying not only to keep myself going, but also my 100lb. stupid dog! He's veering off the sidewalk smelling things, lunging forward (with me) attacking other dogs. I'm sure I was a sight to see.

Anyways, I'm still in it. I haven't quit (yet). I need encouragement! But I'm not going to lie...it was BRUTAL!!!!

"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." Isaiah 40:29

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Kiddos!

I am just sucking up every minute of being a mom to these three beautiful kids! Jessi is so sweet, full of drama, and emotion! Gracie is full of energy, will, and making daddy and mommy happy, and Grant he is so kissable, lovable, and easy going. The Lord has blessed us with much to look after and care for. I strive to be a good example to my children and teach them the simple things in life that go oh so far. Every night daddy has to read them a couple stories from their Bible. It makes me proud that they love the Bible that much! Jessi has mastered her own little prayers at the dinner table, and well for Gracie she is usually to excited about digging into her food and often needs reminding to fold her hands and close her eyes! I love their smiles and I appreciate the simple moments like in this picture where God reminds me just how good He is!


Okay, so after emailing everyone how amazed I was when the nurse told me Grant weighed 21 lbs 12 ounces, Kirk finally just couldn't believe it.....he had a brilliant plan....step on the scale with Grant and find out for himself. Well, the stats are in, & he only weighs 18 lbs! That is still huge for a 3 1/2 months old, but a little easier on the back! We still see a future as a linebacker for Grant...how about you?

The Birthday Girl

Gracie & Kyle love their babies. Okay, so auntie Heather the doll is adorable, but the sounds....so annoying! She knows how to turn it on and off herself. But we all know how much Gracie loves babies right now so it was the best gift for her. I guess I'll just put up with the crying, cooing, burping noises....heck whats one more?

.....and what is a birthday without your BESTEST friend around? Gracie really does adore her big sister. She copies everything Jessi does. Even though they have their spats; Kirk and I often wonder what one would do without the other. They pretty much are inseparable!

.....ummm.....save the best for last. CAKE, ICE CREAM, & CUPCAKES: Gracie's favorite, anything sweet!

Gracie Mae turns 3

My sweet, yet oh so strong willed, Gracie just turned 3! I can't believe she is this old. It seems like yesterday they handed her to me for a mere 10 seconds and took her away not to receive her again until a good 24 hrs. later. She was so little and fragile weighing only 5lbs. 15 ounces. Because of her difficulty breathing she was placed in the intermediate care. That has been one of the hardest moments for me as a mom. To be separated from her, not being able to care, or be the first to feed her still pulls at my heart strings. She sure has grown into such a beautiful young girl. I love her strong willed personality only to become shy and embarrassed in a moment. She does not like to be in the spotlight unlike her big sister, Jessi, drama queen! I love how she can't pass up the opportunity to run through the same room as her dad without hitting him! Two peas in a pod. Always picking on others....it's what they do best! Well, my sweetie, here are so many reasons you are so adorable: because everything you do is so intense, you say your "f's" with "p's"....like wapples for breakfast or thats not punny, after you ask a question you always follow it with RIGHT mommy?, or when you say me not tired (you always refer to yourself as "me"), and the best is when we tuck you in at night and you reach up with both of your tiny hands, grab our faces, and kiss each cheek, and then our lips! What a difference 3 years makes!!!!